Text to Give
1. Open a new text message to 806-208-4288.
2. Enter the amount, in whole dollars, you’d like to give.
3. Press 'Send.'
4. First time users, follow the link provided to a secure website where you add your information, including debit/credit card information.
5. Choose either ‘Budget Pledge 2021’ or 'Gifts and Offerings' from ‘Choose a Fund’ dropdown.
6. You can make this a recurring gift if you choose to.
7. Press the ‘Submit’ button.
Your giving is set apart as gift to the Lord for the church to allow for works of mercy, kindness, evangelism, teaching, and many other forms of ministry. Your gift is ultimately an act of worship unto the Lord.
As our culture continues the process of living in a more cashless society, First Pres wants to provide you with the option of paying your tithe electronically with an automatic draft payment or a credit card payment. You have the option of giving two different ways - with your credit or debit card, or from your checking or savings account. We have taken the proper care to ensure your transactions are safe and secure. Click below to download our EFT(electronic funds transfer) Authorization form
Make Your Pledge to the Operating Budget
Please let us know what you pledge to the Operating Budget of 2021.