Bulletin Announcements for February 2, 2025
In your prayers this week, please remember these members in the alphabetical rotation: Lamoyne & Darrell Garrison; Liz Gifford; Jane and Greg Gillette, Nancee and Scott Gilmour, Eleanor Glazener ~ ECO Church in the TX Presbytery: Westminster Presbyterian Church in Amarillo ~ Missionaries Randy & Dani Davis, SIM Shoe Shiners in La Paz, Bolivia – pray for peace for the entire family in the loss of Randy’s dad; pray for guidance during this time in the U.S.; pray for Randy’s health as he faces challenging days with depression. Digo (unreached people group): pray for our prayer partners, financial supporters, and various
ministry leaders.
Sympathy is extended to Bob Bullock in the death of his wife, Patty Bullock, who passed away on January 29, 2025.
Sympathy is extended to Bonnie Sanders & family in the passing of her husband, Bob Sanders, who passed away on January 31, 2025.
Sympathy is extended to Lindsey & Ben Palmer and family in the death of Ben’s stepmother, Billie Palmer, who passed away on February 2, 2025.
Sympathy is extended to Karen & Brad Stout in the death of Karen’s mother, Charlene Baldwin who passed away on February 5, 2025.
Sanctuary flowers are given today in loving memory of J.L. Unger by Irene Unger.
Grab some goodies from the A&O bake sale in the Great Hall to help their scholarship fund!
Girls, join us for a Galentine's event on Friday, February 13 from 5:30 – 7:30 to celebrate all the special women in our church. We will share snacks and enjoy each other's company while Tonya Freeman leads a floral workshop. The cost is $10/person and the event is for ages 16 and older.
Join the NUFFs on February 20 at First Baptist Church for a 6:30 p.m. piano duo concert featuring Sunghwan Kim (FBC church organist) and Dr. Choong-ha Nam (Associate Professor of Piano at WTA&MU). We will have dinner before the concert. Contact Suzanne (806-433-6101) for details. Guests are welcome. NUFFs meeting on February 13 will feature Dr. Howie Batson. Call Richard Hamburger, (806-567-7880) for lunch reservations.