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Early Childhood:
Nursery and Preschool Worship
Sundays 8:15am-9:30 and 11:00-12:15pm
Sunday School
Early Childhood (Babies-Kindergarten) Ministry meets on the 1st floor of the Children's Wing.
Please come through the new glass doors and
check in your child at the desk.
Nursery is provided during the worship services
at 8:30 and 11:00, and Sunday School each week.
Our paid Child Care staff and background-checked volunteers make sure each child is treated with the
best care while they are with us.
Preschool Worship is offered to preschoolers through Kindergarten during our worship services. We practice "Parenting in the Pew" where we help parents teach their children how to join their parents in the services
by they time they are in 1st grade. Some kids need a little more time to adjust to the new setting. So they
are welcome to attend the singing and children's sermon of the worship services and then come to
join Preschool Worship midway through.
We want everyone to be able to hear the sermon and some days little ones are a little more wiggly and talky than others. Please feel free to use the Preschool Worship as a back up for this learning process.
Our talented Kids Ministry staff, child care staff and amazing volunteers lead, teach, encourage and love the children who come through our doors every week.
All of our leaders have completed background checks to help ensure that our children can learn about the Love of Jesus in a comfortable and safe environment.
Teaching the Word of God to eager,
young hearts is our passion.
Sunday School Spring of 2023, Ms. Debbie and her team of volunteers and child care staff lead the
Preschoolers and Kindergarteners as
we study The LORD's Prayer.
We hope your Kids will join us!