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Heidi Corona
Administrative Assistant for First Pres Kids

Heidi Corona serves part-time as the Administrative Assistant of the Kids’ Ministry of First Pres. She has been on staff since the summer of 2015. Heidi was a missionary’s kid, then a preacher’s kid, then a pastor’s wife, and now a servant of Kids’ Ministry. She has a deep love for the Church, God’s family.

Heidi graduated from Ozark Christian College with a Bachelor in Biblical Studies in 1994. She has volunteered for many years in her home church, serving alongside her pastor-husband, Greg. They have two grown children, Aidan and Wilson, who both work in their home church as well. Heidi was delighted when God opened the door to serve at First Pres with this amazing staff and wonderful congregants.
A favorite verse is John 6:66-69 where some of Jesus' followers didn't really like what Jesus was saying anymore, "they turned away and deserted him. Then Jesus turned to the twelve and asked, 'Are you also going to leave?' Simon Peter replied, 'Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life. We believe, and we know you are the Holy One of God."

(806) 350-5211

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1100 S Harrison

Amarillo, TX 79101

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(806) 373-4242


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