Resources for Pursuing Sexual Intimacy God's Way
If you need to speak with one of our staff members about sexual sin, adult women, please email Emily Wood and adult men, please email Howard Griffin. Teen women, email Emily Wood, and teen men, email Austin DeSpain. You can also call the church office at 806-373-4242. Below you will find several resources to help you through your journey to freedom.
Recommend for Counseling Services:
Book Recommendations
for Adults:
Every Young Man's Battle by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker
The Death of Porn by Ray Ortlund
Fight Club by The Men of Fight Club
Every Woman's Battle: Discovering God's Plan for Sexual and Emotional Fulfillment by Shannon Ethridge
Here is a great blog for women struggling with sexual sin.
Small Groups & Bible Studies
To find a Women's Small Group, email Emily.
To find a Men's Small Group,
email Murray.
for Children:
Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-proofing Today's Young Kids by Kristen A Jenson
2. The Princess and the Kiss by
Jennie Bishop (for girls)
3. The Squire and the Scroll by
Jennie Bishop (for boys)
Here's a great song for teaching young children to guard their hearts.